Properties of avocado oil

Properties of avocado oilWhile reviewing the compositions of shampoos and conditioners, an interesting trend may be noticed lately. More and more manufacturers of cosmetics for hair care puts on the greatest number of products that contain ingredients of natural origin. Hair oiling has also become popular and one of the oils used to improve hair condition is avocado oil.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil has a smooth and homogeneous consistency. It is greenish, sometimes it may contain sediment, and thickens at low temperatures. It is a vegetable oil, cold pressed from avocado fruit. It contains vitamin A, a set of B vitamins and vitamins C, D, E and K. It is an oil rich in omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, which strengthen the natural protective barrier of the skin, thanks to which dry and damaged skin is regenerated and does not lose moisture. Avocado oil also contains a set of minerals such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It comes from the tropical forests of Central America. The color of the avocado oil is due to the high content of chlorophyll, which has an antioxidant effect. What does it mean? First of all, it supports the fight against free radicals, accelerates the healing process of wounds and acts antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

How does avocado oil affect hair condition?

Avocado oil is often used for hair oiling. It is an ideal choice for people with dry scalp and with weak and prone to hair loss. How should you use avocado oil? Put it on the scalp and hair before washing them, and then leave it for several minutes. Avocado oil can be used as a remedy for hair loss in men, because it strengthens hair follicles, accelerates growth, and gives them smoothness and shine.

Avocado oil is not only great for hair care. It can also be successfully applied to the skin – it has a smoothing, moisturizing and regenerating effect and slows down the pace of skin aging.

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